Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Fifth Portrait.

 As Promised, The Process Continued.

Sally Snooks

Mentioned in an earlier post, this series of Indian women portraits is an experiment for me having never painted portraits previously.  The promise was I would share this process with you, so here is #5.

Laying on base pigment to begin new portrait.

I came across a wonderful photo of Sally Snooks and after some research I see her name printed as Snooks and Snook.  I also see her heritage assigned to Washoe and Piaute, so more research is required.  She definitely lived and worked in the Tahoe area and is recognized as a talented basket maker.

Base layers of pigment in the background and addition of lighter and darker tones in the face.

I decided to place the face off to the left of the canvas with the eyes looking down to the right, off the painted space.  I get so involved in the the process that I forget to stop to take photos, so some of these photos make fairly large leaps between one another.  

After a few more facial details, the head scarf and clothing areas get base color.

Painting in details on the scarf and decorative band.

The decorative areas on the head scarf and band across the painting are inspired by designs from two of Sally Snooks' baskets. 

Scarf and bank completed.

I struggled with this portrait.  When it got to the point you see in the photo just above I was very disappointed.  I was not sure I liked the composition, the facial tones seemed flat.  I walked away for a few days, but left the painting where I would see it constantly. I returned and spent time plumping out Sally's left cheek as well as altering come of the lights and darks throughout the entire painting.  You will also notice, in the photo below, the addition of the lighter blue tones in the background.  I also added a top varnish layer of Liquin to give the painting a high gloss finish.  For better or worse, it is complete and you can decide what you think.

Sally Snooks
Acrylic on Canvas

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