Monday, June 15, 2015

Bear Paintings

How It Happened

A week ago I was unpacking, unpacking, unpacking which leads to putting away, putting away, putting away, and organizing, organizing, organizing as well as cleaning, cleaning, cleaning.  And you know what happens when you do that?  You find things you have forgotten about, you find things that spark new ideas, you just find things.  What starts as a bit of an ordeal and chore turns into creative inspiration.  

So when I laid out tube after tube of pigments, and realized some needed to be used soon, something happened.

When I opened drawers to put away beads and found stacks of textured origami papers, something happened.

When I opened a sketch book from a couple years ago and saw a sketch of a bear, something happened.  

Oh, sketches of bears you say.....  I have wanted to paint these visitors for many years but just could not figure out how I wanted to present them.  I sat down and did another sketch because my brain was firing on all cylinders, filled with ideas of COLOR, TEXTURE, COLOR, TEXTURE....and bears.

The studio has been a beehive of furious activity with cutting and gluing papers, brushes dipping into a riot of color, fingers smearing the pigments.  And something happened! A new group of paintings has begun, and here they are.....

Sleepy Bear

Standing Baby Bear

Sly Bear

Hug Me Bear

Something happened all right.  I found a new group of paintings, a new direction, but one that is based on all my previous work with small differences.  More to come...

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You can also find me on Twitter & Instagram as 
Pamela Hunt Lee

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