The Small Study
Another busy week, filled with painting, travel, exercise, golf, mah jongg, working with my Northern California and Nevada galleries. Truly there are just not enough hours in the day. Who ever said that first, knew what they were talking about! I keep getting up earlier and earlier to get into the studio to paint and because I have done this, the small 12x12 painting of Delores Patencio, Cahuilla Indian Basket Maker, is complete. Read more about her by going back to my last blog post:
My goal was to capture her intensity and beauty as well as giving me the opportunity to know how I wish to portray her in additional paintings.
This is a study for a larger work and the canvas for that painting is sitting on the easel. So it is off to the easel for me. This is one of those completely full days so bye for now. Have a great day!
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