Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Apple Art

It's That Time Of Year

Nine Pie Apples

I think of it as the apple time of year with those juicy fruits piled high in the market and the scent of cooking apples in the air.

Five Reds

Apple fritters, apple pie, apple turnovers, apple sauce, apple cider, baked apples.....the list could go on and on.  And the kitchen smells so delicious.

Steuber's Apples

As well a cooking apples and eating them in their raw state, I like to paint these beauties.

Six Reds on a Board

The apple species is in the rose family and is one of the most widely cultivated tree fruits.  The tree originated in Western Asia and was brought to North America by European colonists.  And we all know about Johnny Appleseed and how he spread the seeds of the tree across the U.S.  Lucky us to have these tasty fruits so readily accessible.

 Itty Bitty Apple

It's off to the studio for me where I will create another apple painting and munch on that crunchy, juicy, fruit in my hand.... that is after I use it for visual inspiration.

Solo Green

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